Old Hend Family Documents – page 4
carry on from page 3 of Links to further information
These random notes and links are not in order, may be incorrect, may be repeating, may not be relevant.
(carried on from page 3)morrison death.
Cowra. — A telegram to tho Evening Newa
on Thursday sayu human romr.inG have bi-ea
found five milea from Cowra. An inquest waa
held thereon, but nothing wna elicited leading to
tho man’s ident.ty, as f om 1 )ii« exposure the
body wao in an advanced htnge of dcounp sition.
Tho Hwng and rlothen, however, establish tho
fact; that ho ‘Was s ‘en alive about a formi^ht ago.
— Yesterday a farmer named Morrison was
accidentally killed. The horse he was riding
ran him against a tree. Deceasad fell to the
ground, and died instantaneously. A large and
respectable family are left orphans by this
melancholy occurrence.
morrison estate. 1878
In tlie Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the estate, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of James
Morrison, late of Back Creek, near Cowra, in the Colony
of New South Wales, farmer* deceased, intestate.
NOTICE is lierebv given, tliat after the expiration of fourteen
days from the publication hereof, application will be made to
this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that
letters of administration of all and singular the estate and
effects of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to Anne
Eobinson (the wife of William Robinson, of Cowra aforesaid,
carrier), eldest daughter, and one of the next of kin of the
abovenamed deceased.—Dated this 1st day of February, A.D.
J. 0. DODD,
Proctor for the Applicant,
820 , 6s. 6d.
RE: Morrison
by Brand, Leonie
My MORRISONs are as follows:
8 Jun 1999 Descendants of: James Morrison
1 James Morrison
m. Agnes Stuart
2 James Morrison b. 1856 Australia New South Wales Parramatta
m. 20 August 1879 Australia New South Wales Yass Elizabeth Marzol b.
1855 Australia New South Wales Sydney
Owned property in the Mudgee area Married: St Clements Yass New South
Wales Australia
3 John Marzol b. 1880 Australia
3 Louisa Janet Morrison b. 1882 Australia New South Wales d. 13 August
1966 Australia New South Wales Binnaway
m. 1903 Australia New South Wales Mudgee Herbert Hen b. 1880
Australia New South Wales Wellington d. 15 Nov 1954 Australia New South
Wales Binnaway, BDM (Marriage) Ref: 4008 Buried: Binnaway Cemetery New South
Wales Australia Inscription reads: In loving memory of; Louisa Janet Hend;
died 13th Aug 1966; aged 84 years; at rest
Herbert: BDM (Birth) Ref: 26679 (Marriage) Ref: 4008 Buried:
Binnaway Cemetery New South Wales Australia Inscription reads: In loving
memory of; Herbert Hend; died 15.11.1954, aged 77 yrs; at rest; erected by
his loving wife & family
3 Mary Jane Morrison b. 23 May 1884 Australia New South Wales
Wellington d. 22 June 1956 Australia New South Wales Bass Hill
m. 28 Dec 1899 Australia New South Wales Wellington James Hen b. 2
June 1878 Australia New South Wales Spicers Creek d. 20 October 1975
Australia New South Wales Dunedoo
Birth Informant: James Marshall (probably Morrison but written
incorrectly he was illiterate and unable to correct the clerk) on the cert
it notes 1 male and 1 female sibling both living BDM (Marriage) Ref: 9180
Obit possibly in Sydney Morning Herald around 22/6/1 Married: Presbyterian
Church Wellington New South Wales Australia
James: Lived: Spicers Creek, Tucklan St Dunedoo, Birth cert
stated 3 male and 3 female siblings living at the time of his birth. BDM
(Birth) Ref: 24215 registered Wellington (Marriage) Ref: 9180 Married:
Presbyterian Church Wellington New South Wales Australia Other occupations
horse driver, gold prospector and scribe according to Barbara Hend (n Smith)
James had an extra thumb on his left hand Died: (12?) Tucklon Street Dunedoo
New South Wales Australia Buried: Dunedoo Cemetery New South Wales Australia
next to daughter Clarice Grave inscription reads: In loving memory of; James
Hend; died 20-10-1975; aged 97 yrs. R.I.P. Obit in Mudgee Guardian
24/10/1975 Service at St David’s Presy Church Dunedoo 2pm Thursday
2 John Morrison b. 1860 Australia New South Wales New England
m. 6 January 1890 Australia New South Wales Wellington Sophia Jane Hen
b. 1873 Australia New South Wales Spicers Creek d. 14 Feb 1944
Marriage certificate says 30 years at marriage date, that he was a
bachelor and that he lived at Spicers Creek – Parents were James Morrison
(Farmer), Agnes Stuart, Samuel Henn (Shepherd), Sophia Jane Webb. Sophia
Jane Hen signed her own signature, John just made a mark. James Morrison
and Sarah Henn signed as witnesses. Married: St John’s Church Wellington
New South Wales Australia
Sophia: Noted as a Spinster on her marriage cert aged 17 yrs, born and
living at Spicers Creek, Signed her name Sophia Jane Henn Married: St
John’s Church Wellington New South Wales Australia
3 Sophia Jane Morrison b. 1891 Australia New South Wales d. 6 Dec 1969
Australia New South Wales
m. Unknown Riordan
2 Robert Morrison
m. 1904 Australia New South Wales Wellington Harriet Sarah Hen
BDM (Marriage) Ref: 5217
Signed her sister Sophia Jane’s marriage cert as Sarah Henn BDM
(Marriage) Ref: 5217
No direct connection, but maybe you recognise something. Happy hunting
Onie (Leonie BRAND nee HEND)
Work: leonie.brand(a)pacificpower.com.au
Home: obbyonie(a)zeta.org.au
2 Hughes Street
Phone: +61 2 9523 4748
—–Original Message—–
From: Jan Thomas [SMTP:jthomas@zip.com.au]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:26 PM
To: Brand, Leonie
Subject: Morrison
I noticed on the Bathurst-Orange mailing list that you are
researching the
name Morrison. Are your Morrisons connected to John Fisher Morrison
married Mary Ann Shore (Shaw) at St Michael’s in Bathurst 1857?
Thence moved
to Wellington,Young and finally Parkes. Anyhelp in finding my
would be much appreciated.
Jan Thomas
on the banks of the beautiful Hawkesbury River
As for who they were, the 12 were convicts and free people who were provided lands along the river in a trial project to see if criminals could better themselves.
Free Settler or Felon?
George Forbes
HomeSite LinksConvict ShipsConvict Ship SurgeonsFirst Fleet 1788Hunter Valley SettlersBushrangersNewcastleHunter Valley Place NamesConvict Ships By YearFemale Convicts
First Name
Surname / Subject
George Forbes
Edinglassie – Map 7
George Forbes arrived in New South Wales with his brother Sir Francis Forbes on the Guildford in 1824.
He was granted 2000 acres in September 1824. Another 4000 acres were reserved for purchase.
He stocked his estate Edinglassie with fine wool sheep and acted as superintendent on his brother’s estate Skellatar
Peter Cunningham described the area in 1826 –
You enter first upon Edinglassie, the property of Mr. George Forbes, brother to our able and amiable chief justice, who possesses many thousand acres here, which he is stocking with fine woolled sheep. To the right is Captain Dickson’s farm, and to the left in succession, the farms of Messrs. Carter, Mills, and Ogilvie. On the opposite bank there are only two resident proprietors, namely Captain Pike and Mr. Greig, the remainder of the land being all occupied as stock runs by distant proprietors. Mr. Ogilvie and his family are resident upon their property at Merton, the scenery whereof exceeds even that of Edinglassie, being still more various in its features; in fact, I may add, that it is the only place which , having before heard much praised, I was not disappointed in.
James White arrived on the Fairfield in 1826, having been employed by the Australian Agricultural Company to bring a flock of sheep to Australia. On arrival he took the sheep to ‘Retreat Farm at Parramatta before moving them to Port Stephens.
In 1830 James White left the Australian Agricultural Company and moved to Ravensworth, the property of James Bowman where he was employed as superintendent.
Edinglassie was purchased by James White in 1839.
In 1852 employees at Edinglassie included :
Thomas Way,
Joseph Roe,
Robert Nicholson,
Thomas Larrance,
Kenneth Urquhart,
Thomas Byrnes,
William Dean,
John Trainer,
Patrick Byrnes,
Elijah Cartwright,
John McPhee,
John McCullum,
James Cornish
Benjamin Curn.
James White senior died in 1842.
1). Edinglassie (University of Newcastle Cultural Collections)….
C917-0093b Edinglassie, near Muswellbrook, c.1890
2) More about Edinglassie at NSW Heritage
Edinglassie…The Scone Advocate 26 June 1945
old Jimmy
We always thought that “Old Jimmy”s father came to Australia for gold – like so many others. The truth could be more sinister.
Samuel Hen was born in Amoy (Amoi, Xiamen), China in about 1835.
Samuel was a shepherd. There some indications that he arrived in Australia in the late 1840s – before the gold rush. So, why did he leave his family and travel 12,000 kilometres to an unknown country?
Sheep were very important to the development of Australia, and the Australian Agricultural Company was established with support from the British Parliament to “extend and improve the flocks of Merino sheep” in New South Wales. Convict labour was used in the early days, but when transportation ceased in the 1840s, labour became difficult to obtain. The Australian Agricultural Company and others therefore turned to China, where economic and social unrest following the British and French invasions of southern China had left a lot of people unemployed and eager to travel. Some Chinese shepherds were paid to migrate, others are believed to have been kidnapped.
The first large group arrived from Amoy on the Nimrod, which docked at Henry Moore’s wharf at Millers Point (Sydney, New South Wales) in October 1848, where about half of the 121 Chinese passengers disembarked. By 1853 more than 3000 had arrived. I’ve not found Samuel’s name on the shipping lists, but at the time most Chinese were not listed individually – plus, one would assume that Samuel was not his birth name.
When gold was discovered, most of the Chinese shepherds ran off and became miners. And more came from China. By 1861 there were approximately 13,000 Chinese in New South Wales, with the majority in the mining districts.
Samuel was living in the Mudgee area in 1866 when he partnered up with Sophia Webb. Jimmy’s birth certificate says they married in January 1866, but I’ve found no marriage certificate and Sophia was buried under the name Sophia Squires – she was married to John Squires in 1855. Mudgee was a centre for the local goldfields, so presumably he was already mining at that time. They had moved to Hill End by 1868 when their first son, Samuel, was born.
“Old Jimmy” Hend, son of Samuel and Sophia, and father in law of Ivy Rusten
Hill End is about 49 kilometres south of Mudgee. Gold was discovered there in 1851 (the town was called Bald Hill at that time). About 8000 people lived in Hill End and Tambaroora during the time Samuel and Sophia were there. Most of the Chinese miners were concentrated in the ‘Chinatown’ established in Tambaroora. For over two decades, Chinese miners in the area outnumbered the Europeans.
“There were miles of a riverbed full of gold… The Chinese set to work as though they had come possessed of the experience of generations…. They cut races and flumed them over to drain the riverbed. They erected waterwheels, undershot and overshot, made pumps that lifted immense quantities of water, similar, I am told, to what are used in the rice fields of China.” Mark Hammond, 1861, quoted in Hodge, 1988.
Gold production in the Hill End area peaked in 1872 and the mines closed down. While most of the Chinese miners returned to China, Samuel had a family and decided to stay. They moved to Spicers Creek, where he lived at Tank Station until his death in 1889. I’ve not seen his grave – the cemetery is now on private land. Hill End is now managed as an Historic Site by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Sophia Jane Webb (abt. 1842 – 1931)
Privacy Level: Open (White)
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Samuel John Hen ancestors (05 Oct 1868 – 1935)
Emma (Hen) Walters ancestors (10 Jun 1870 – abt 1911) m. William Walters (abt 1875 – aft 1905) on 1898.
Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison ancestors descendants (abt 1873 – 14 Feb 1944) m. John Morrison (abt 1858 – 04 Apr 1936) on 6 Jan 1890.
Sophia Jane Morrison ancestors (1891 – 1969) m. John Henry Riordan ( – 1959) on 1911.
Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison ancestors (abt 1875 – 14 Jul 1949) m. Robert Morrison (1872 – 14 Jul 1951) on 1904.
James Hend ancestors descendants (02 Jun 1878 – 20 Oct 1975) m. Mary Jane Morrison (23 May 1884 – 22 Jun 1956) on 28 Dec 1899.
Mildred Maude (Hend) Harrop ancestors (1901 – 1986) m. William Percival Harrop (abt 1894 – 1965) on 1922.
Harold James Hend ancestors (1903 – abt 2000) m. Stella May Hall (abt 1912 – abt 1968) on 1939.
Henry Albert Hend ancestors descendants (30 Jan 1905 – 30 Apr 1992) m. Ivy Elizabeth Rusten (1915 – 02 Mar 1940) on 3 Mar 1934.
DNA confirmed [private great-granddaughter (1930s – unknown)] m. [private spouse]
DNA confirmed Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous ancestors (unknown – unknown)
Henry A. Hend ancestors (1930s – 2010s)
Elsie May Hend ancestors (1906 – 1967) m. William Reginald Cooper (1909 – 1979) on 1931.
Norman Herbert Hend ancestors (1908 – 1979) m. Myrtle Florence Coombes (abt 1918) on 1938.
Samuel Hend ancestors (1909 – 1909) [no children]
Edgar Clarence Hend ancestors (1910 – 1986) m. Mildred Ada Stranlund (abt 1913 – abt May 1993) on 1933.
Edith Elizabeth Hend ancestors (1912) m. Donald Herbert Grant Harrison (abt 1911 – abt 1970) on 1936.
Clarice Eileen Hend ancestors (1914 – 1920) [no children]
Enid Mary Hend ancestors (1918 – 2008) m. Walter Gordon Harris (abt 1915 – abt 1994) on 1941.
Herbert (Hen) Hend ancestors (1880 – 15 Nov 1954) m. Louisa Janet Morrison (abt 1882 – 13 Aug 1966) on 28 May 1903.
Sophia Jane Webb aka Squires
Born about 1842 in NSW, Australiamap
Daughter of George Webb and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of Samuel Hen — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Mother of Samuel John Hen, Emma (Hen) Walters, Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison, Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison, James Hend and Herbert (Hen) Hend
Died 21 May 1931 in Kelvin, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 123 times.
Sophia was born about 1842 in NSW Australia. She married John Squires in 1855 and left him shortly afterwards. [1] She was living with her daughter Sophia Morrison when she passed away in 1931. She is buried in Gunnedah Cemetery. [2]
Research Notes
Sophia went by many names, including Sophia Jane Squires (her legal married name), Sophia White[3], Jane White [4], Sophia Shaw [5] and Sophia Jane Webb (her birth name) [6].
According to her obituary [7] she was born on a property called Edinglassie in Muswellbrook in 1830. The location may be correct but the date is unlikely as she needed parental consent to marry in 1855 [8] and had a son in 1880[9]. Likely birth date is c1842, but no birth record has been found yet.
She was buried as Sophia Squires and it appears she did not marry Samuel Hen.[10]
↑ National Library of Australia, Trove, Article by John Squires, Mudgee 27th January 1857; Maitland Mercury 5 February 1857.
↑ Death certificate, 7158/1931, NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages
↑ Queensland Government, Births deaths and marriages online index, death record for son Samuel 1935 C2681
↑ New South Wales, Australia, Police Gazettes, 1854-1930, Article under heading Deserting Wives, Families, Service etc; 18 Dec 1867
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Birth record of unnamed child, surname Squires, 8850/1857
↑ NSW, NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate James Hen 024215/1878
↑ Trove, Obituary Sophia Jane Squires; Muswellbrook Chronicle 5 June 1931
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Marriage record John Squires and Sophia Jane Webb, NJ V1855 579 43B
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate Herbert Hen 26679/1880
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Sophia Jane Squires 07158/1931
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships with Sophia by comparing test results with other carriers of her mitochondrial DNA. However, there are no known mtDNA test-takers in her direct maternal line. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share DNA with Sophia:
Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch UD1948481 [compare], Ancestry member rustenivy + Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T711979 [compare]
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Rejected matches › Jane Webb (abt.1844-)
Sophia is 27 degrees from George Eastman, 25 degrees from Hilary Gadsby and 23 degrees from Henry VIII of England on our single family tree. Login to find your connection.
W > Webb > Sophia Jane Webb
Webb Family History
September 23, 2014 ·
James Webb in Australia
James Webb was one of Australia’s early settlers. The brother of two First Fleeters, Robert and Thomas, he arrived in 1790 to serve in the NSW Corps. On his discharge in 1794, he grew corn for the colony, built ships, and acquired land at Cockle Bay (now Darling Harbour) where he sold timber.
James Webb was by that time a boat builder and an owner of a sloop called William and Ann. Did the Ann relate to the Ann Peat, the daughter of a partner, whom he had married in 1810? Possibly not. In 1815 Webb inserted a notice in the newspaper stating that “all persons are hereby cautioned against giving credit on account of James Webb of Cockle Bay to his wife Ann Webb.” It would appear that they had separated by this time.
Sometime around 1823 Webb moved out into an undeveloped mangrove region up the coast that became known as Webb’s Flat (and later as Woy Woy and Brisbane Water). He was its first white settler. There he continued his shipbuilding and started farming. The census of 1828 recorded that he had 540 acres in total, of which 75 were cleared and 70 were cultivated. He had 11 horses and 120 head of cattle.
He was a rough type of man. He once bragged how he had shot at point blank range Aboriginal men who were attacking his boat. He took advantage of a young Aboriginal woman who bore him a child Charlotte in 1824. Webb never had much to do with her upbringing and it is not surprising that when Charlotte passed away in 1913 he was not mentioned on her death certificate.
James Webb himself died on his land in 1848. His age was given as ninety, but that is believed to have been an estimate.
Sophia Jane Webb (abt. 1842 – 1931)
Privacy Level: Open (White)
Sophia Jane Webb aka Squires
Born about 1842 in NSW, Australia
Daughter of George Webb and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of Samuel Hen — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Samuel John Hen, Emma (Hen) Walters, Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison, Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison, James Hend and Herbert (Hen) Hend
Died 21 May 1931 in Kelvin, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 123 times.
Sophia was born about 1842 in NSW Australia. She married John Squires in 1855 and left him shortly afterwards. [1] She was living with her daughter Sophia Morrison when she passed away in 1931. She is buried in Gunnedah Cemetery. [2]
Research Notes
Sophia went by many names, including Sophia Jane Squires (her legal married name), Sophia White[3], Jane White [4], Sophia Shaw [5] and Sophia Jane Webb (her birth name) [6].
According to her obituary [7] she was born on a property called Edinglassie in Muswellbrook in 1830. The location may be correct but the date is unlikely as she needed parental consent to marry in 1855 [8] and had a son in 1880[9]. Likely birth date is c1842, but no birth record has been found yet.
She was buried as Sophia Squires and it appears she did not marry Samuel Hen.[10]
↑ National Library of Australia, Trove, Article by John Squires, Mudgee 27th January 1857; Maitland Mercury 5 February 1857.
↑ Death certificate, 7158/1931, NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages
↑ Queensland Government, Births deaths and marriages online index, death record for son Samuel 1935 C2681
↑ New South Wales, Australia, Police Gazettes, 1854-1930, Article under heading Deserting Wives, Families, Service etc; 18 Dec 1867
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Birth record of unnamed child, surname Squires, 8850/1857
↑ NSW, NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate James Hen 024215/1878
↑ Trove, Obituary Sophia Jane Squires; Muswellbrook Chronicle 5 June 1931
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Marriage record John Squires and Sophia Jane Webb, NJ V1855 579 43B
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate Herbert Hen 26679/1880
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Sophia Jane Squires 07158/1931
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships with Sophia by comparing test results with other carriers of her mitochondrial DNA. However, there are no known mtDNA test-takers in her direct maternal line. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share DNA with Sophia:
Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch UD1948481 [compare], Ancestry member rustenivy + Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T711979 [compare]
Have you taken a DNA test for genealogy? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
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Rejected matches › Jane Webb (abt.1844-)
Sophia is 27 degrees from George Eastman, 25 degrees from Hilary Gadsby and 23 degrees from Henry VIII of England on our single family tree. Login to find your connection.
W > Webb > Sophia Jane Webb
no image
Sophia Jane Webb (abt. 1842 – 1931)
Privacy Level: Open (White)
Sophia Jane Webb aka Squires
Born about 1842 in NSW, Australiamap
Daughter of George Webb and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of Samuel Hen — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Samuel John Hen, Emma (Hen) Walters, Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison, Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison, James Hend and Herbert (Hen) Hend
Died 21 May 1931 in Kelvin, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 121 times.
Sophia was born about 1842 in NSW Australia. She married John Squires in 1855 and left him shortly afterwards. [1] She was living with her daughter Sophia Morrison when she passed away in 1931. She is buried in Gunnedah Cemetery. [2]
Research Notes
Sophia went by many names, including Sophia Jane Squires (her legal married name), Sophia White[3], Jane White [4], Sophia Shaw [5] and Sophia Jane Webb (her birth name) [6].
According to her obituary [7] she was born on a property called Edinglassie in Muswellbrook in 1830. The location may be correct but the date is unlikely as she needed parental consent to marry in 1855 [8] and had a son in 1880[9]. Likely birth date is c1842, but no birth record has been found yet.
She was buried as Sophia Squires and it appears she did not marry Samuel Hen.[10]
↑ National Library of Australia, Trove, Article by John Squires, Mudgee 27th January 1857; Maitland Mercury 5 February 1857.
↑ Death certificate, 7158/1931, NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages
↑ Queensland Government, Births deaths and marriages online index, death record for son Samuel 1935 C2681
↑ New South Wales, Australia, Police Gazettes, 1854-1930, Article under heading Deserting Wives, Families, Service etc; 18 Dec 1867
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Birth record of unnamed child, surname Squires, 8850/1857
↑ NSW, NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate James Hen 024215/1878
↑ Trove, Obituary Sophia Jane Squires; Muswellbrook Chronicle 5 June 1931
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Marriage record John Squires and Sophia Jane Webb, NJ V1855 579 43B
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate Herbert Hen 26679/1880
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Sophia Jane Squires 07158/1931
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships with Sophia by comparing test results with other carriers of her mitochondrial DNA. However, there are no known mtDNA test-takers in her direct maternal line. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share DNA with Sophia:
Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch UD1948481 [compare], Ancestry member rustenivy + Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T711979 [compare]
Have you taken a DNA test for genealogy? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
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Rejected matches › Jane Webb (abt.1844-)
Sophia is 27 degrees from George Eastman, 25 degrees from Hilary Gadsby and 23 degrees from Henry VIII of England on our single family tree. Login to find your connection.
W > Webb > Sophia Jane Webb
Wiki tree stuff
Louisa Janet Hend formerly Morrison
Born about 1882 in New South Wales, Australiamap
ANCESTORS ancestors
Daughter of James Morrison and Elizabeth (Marzol) Morrison
Sister of John Morrison and Mary Jane (Morrison) Hend
Wife of Herbert (Hen) Hend — married 28 May 1903 in Mudgee, NSW, Australiamap
[children unknown]
Died 13 Aug 1966 in Binnaway, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 33 times.
Louisa was born about 1882, the daughter of James Morrison and Elizabeth Marzol[1]. She married Herbert Hend in 1903 in Mudgee[2]. Her sister Mary Jane married Herbert’s brother James.
Louisa passed away in 1966 and is buried in Binnaway Cemetery[3].
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate of father James Morrison, 22215/1937
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, marriage certificate Hend and Morrison, 1903/4008
↑ Gravestone of Louisa Janet Hend, Binnaway Cemetery NSW
Elizabeth (Marzol) Morrison (1855 – 1936)
Privacy Level: Open (White)
Elizabeth Morrison formerly Marzol
Born 1855 in at seamap
Daughter of Joseph Marzol and Vrener (Vuer) Marzol
Sister of Joseph Jost Marzol
Wife of James Morrison — married 20 Aug 1879 in Yass, NSW, Australiamap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of John Morrison, Louisa Janet (Morrison) Hend and Mary Jane (Morrison) Hend
Died 6 Jul 1936 in Belmore, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 25 Mar 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 43 times.
Elizabeth was born in 1855 at sea, while her family was migrating to Australia from Switzerland on board the Daniel Ross[1]. She married James Morrison in 1879 in Yass[2]. She passed away in 1936 in Belmore and is buried in Rookwood Cemetery[3].
↑ Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934, Entry for Jos Marzol
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, marriage certificate Morrison and Marzol, 1879/5295
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Elizabeth Morrison, 1936/14898
Privacy Level: Open (White)
Joseph Marzol
Born about 1818 in Lucerne, Switzerlandmap
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of Vrener (Vuer) Marzol — married about 1840 in Switzerlandmap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Father of Joseph Jost Marzol and Elizabeth (Marzol) Morrison
Died 24 Mar 1877 in Murrumbateman, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 73 times.
Joseph was born about 1818, to Joseph and Maria Marzol[1]. He married Vrener Vuer probably about 1840 in Lucerne Switzerland as their second child was born there in 1841 (first child unnamed but listed on his death certificate). The family migrated to Australia on the Daniel Ross, departing from Hamburg 24 November 1854 and arriving in Sydney in 1855[2]. Joseph passed away in 1877 and is buried in the Catholic cemetery at Yass[3].
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate, 9683/1877
↑ Hamburg Passenger Lists 1850-1934
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Joseph Marzol, 9683/1877
Vrener “Frena” Marzol formerly Vuer
Born about 1817 in Switzerlandmap [uncertain]
Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of Joseph Marzol — married about 1840 in Switzerlandmap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Joseph Jost Marzol and Elizabeth (Marzol) Morrison
Died 16 Dec 1887 in Yass, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 9 Jun 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 31 times.
Little is known about Vrener (or Frena and various other spellings). She probably married Joseph Marzol in Switzerland about 1840 as their second son was born there in 1841. She passed away in 1887 and is buried in Yass. Her birth date is estimated at 1817.[1]
Research Notes
Her death is recorded on the Eden Monaro Pioneers website as ref. 13388/1887 but this does not appear in searches of NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages. Her surname is listed on that same website as Yver. Anyone with confirmation of this or other details, please contribute.
↑ NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate of husband Joseph Marzol, 9683/1877
James Morrison
Birthdate: circa March 1823
Birthplace: Stair, Ayrshire, Scotland
Death: December 26, 1876 (49-57)
Cowra, NSW, Australia
Immediate Family:
Son of Robert Morrison and Agnes Morrison
Husband of Helen Barclay Morrison
Father of Agnes Ruth Anderson and James Morrison
Brother of William Arthur Morrison; Robert Morrison; Helen Hood; David Morrison; Janet Guthrie and 7 others
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated: November 11, 2014
About James Morrison
At the time of his death, James Morrison was a grazier in Cowra.
The following is text from the Sydney Morning Herald of 13 October 1938. It appears to concern legal proceedings undertaken by James’ three children following his death, as they had not been named as beneficiaries of his estate:
TESTATOR’S FAMILY MAINTENANCE. Mrs. Mary Hend, of Belmore, Mrs. Louisa Hend, of Coonabarabran, and John Morrison, of Belmore, daughters and son respectively of Mr. James Morrison, grazier, of Cowra, applied under the Testator’s Family Maintenance Act for orders in respect of their late father’s estate.
The late Mr. Morrison, a widower, left an estate of £5,679 net, which by his will he gave to friends to the exclusion of his family. John Morrison, the applicant son, is an invalid pensioner, aged 58 years. His evidence was that he left school when he was 12, and during the whole of the following 45 years worked for his father without ever receiving one penny of wages. He had been in ill health for several years before leaving his father’s home in 1936.
His Honor ordered that £600 be set aside and invested for each applicant on realisation of a mortgage, an asset In the estate. If any applicant dies before exhaustion of his or her share of the fund, it was ordered that any balance remaining should fall into residue.
1938 ‘IN EQUITY.’, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), 13 October, p. 6, viewed 25 April, 2013, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17527535
Sophia Jane Webb (abt. 1842 – 1931)
Privacy Level: Open (White)
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Samuel John Hen ancestors (05 Oct 1868 – 1935)
Emma (Hen) Walters ancestors (10 Jun 1870 – abt 1911) m. William Walters (abt 1875 – aft 1905) on 1898.
Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison ancestors descendants (abt 1873 – 14 Feb 1944) m. John Morrison (abt 1858 – 04 Apr 1936) on 6 Jan 1890.
Sophia Jane Morrison ancestors (1891 – 1969) m. John Henry Riordan ( – 1959) on 1911.
Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison ancestors (abt 1875 – 14 Jul 1949) m. Robert Morrison (1872 – 14 Jul 1951) on 1904.
James Hend ancestors descendants (02 Jun 1878 – 20 Oct 1975) m. Mary Jane Morrison (23 May 1884 – 22 Jun 1956) on 28 Dec 1899.
Mildred Maude (Hend) Harrop ancestors (1901 – 1986) m. William Percival Harrop (abt 1894 – 1965) on 1922.
Harold James Hend ancestors (1903 – abt 2000) m. Stella May Hall (abt 1912 – abt 1968) on 1939.
Henry Albert Hend ancestors descendants (30 Jan 1905 – 30 Apr 1992) m. Ivy Elizabeth Rusten (1915 – 02 Mar 1940) on 3 Mar 1934.
DNA confirmed [private great-granddaughter (1930s – unknown)] m. [private spouse]
DNA confirmed Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous ancestors (unknown – unknown)
Henry A. Hend ancestors (1930s – 2010s)
Elsie May Hend ancestors (1906 – 1967) m. William Reginald Cooper (1909 – 1979) on 1931.
Norman Herbert Hend ancestors (1908 – 1979) m. Myrtle Florence Coombes (abt 1918) on 1938.
Samuel Hend ancestors (1909 – 1909) [no children]
Edgar Clarence Hend ancestors (1910 – 1986) m. Mildred Ada Stranlund (abt 1913 – abt May 1993) on 1933.
Edith Elizabeth Hend ancestors (1912) m. Donald Herbert Grant Harrison (abt 1911 – abt 1970) on 1936.
Clarice Eileen Hend ancestors (1914 – 1920) [no children]
Enid Mary Hend ancestors (1918 – 2008) m. Walter Gordon Harris (abt 1915 – abt 1994) on 1941.
Herbert (Hen) Hend ancestors (1880 – 15 Nov 1954) m. Louisa Janet Morrison (abt 1882 – 13 Aug 1966) on 28 May 1903.
Sophia Jane Webb aka Squires
Born about 1842 in NSW, Australiamap
Daughter of George Webb and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Wife of Samuel Hen — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Mother of Samuel John Hen, Emma (Hen) Walters, Sophia Jane (Hen) Morrison, Harriet Sarah (Hen) Morrison, James Hend and Herbert (Hen) Hend
Died 21 May 1931 in Kelvin, NSW, Australiamap
Profile manager: Danielle Anonymous private message [send private message]
Profile last modified 29 Jul 2019 | Created 30 Sep 2017
This page has been accessed 123 times.
Sophia was born about 1842 in NSW Australia. She married John Squires in 1855 and left him shortly afterwards. [1] She was living with her daughter Sophia Morrison when she passed away in 1931. She is buried in Gunnedah Cemetery. [2]
Research Notes
Sophia went by many names, including Sophia Jane Squires (her legal married name), Sophia White[3], Jane White [4], Sophia Shaw [5] and Sophia Jane Webb (her birth name) [6].
According to her obituary [7] she was born on a property called Edinglassie in Muswellbrook in 1830. The location may be correct but the date is unlikely as she needed parental consent to marry in 1855 [8] and had a son in 1880[9]. Likely birth date is c1842, but no birth record has been found yet.
She was buried as Sophia Squires and it appears she did not marry Samuel Hen.[10]
↑ National Library of Australia, Trove, Article by John Squires, Mudgee 27th January 1857; Maitland Mercury 5 February 1857.
↑ Death certificate, 7158/1931, NSW Registry Births Deaths and Marriages
↑ Queensland Government, Births deaths and marriages online index, death record for son Samuel 1935 C2681
↑ New South Wales, Australia, Police Gazettes, 1854-1930, Article under heading Deserting Wives, Families, Service etc; 18 Dec 1867
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Birth record of unnamed child, surname Squires, 8850/1857
↑ NSW, NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate James Hen 024215/1878
↑ Trove, Obituary Sophia Jane Squires; Muswellbrook Chronicle 5 June 1931
↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Marriage record John Squires and Sophia Jane Webb, NJ V1855 579 43B
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate Herbert Hen 26679/1880
↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Sophia Jane Squires 07158/1931
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships with Sophia by comparing test results with other carriers of her mitochondrial DNA. However, there are no known mtDNA test-takers in her direct maternal line. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share DNA with Sophia:
Danielle (Hawkins) Anonymous Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch UD1948481 [compare], Ancestry member rustenivy + Family Tree DNA Family Finder, GEDmatch T711979 [compare]
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Rejected matches › Jane Webb (abt.1844-)
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W > Webb > Sophia Jane Webb

Sophia was probably born between 1835 and 1840, in Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Although documentary sources list her father as George Webb, DNA suggests (but not yet confirmed) that her biological mother was Lydia Matthews (the father may have been John Shaw or Robert Webb, Lydia’s second husband).[1] Lydia married a Robert Webb after the death of John Shaw.
Sophia married John Squires in 1855 and left him after having two children with him.[2] [3]
Jane was imprisoned in 1874. This is an important record, as it provides the evidence of four of the names she used during her lifetime (Jane Webb, Sophia White, Jane Lemon, Jane Bruce).[4]
Sophia was registered to vote in 1913 in Bodangora, Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia.[5]
Sophia was living with her daughter Sophia Morrison when she passed away in 1931. She is buried in Gunnedah Cemetery.[6]
Research Notes
Sophia went by many names, including Sophia Jane Squires (her legal married name), Sophia White[7], Jane White [8], Sophia Shaw [9] and Sophia Jane Webb (her birth name) [10].
According to her obituary [11] Sophia was born on a property called Edinglassie in Muswellbrook in 1830. This date is unlikely. She needed parental consent to marry in 1855, which means she was under age, not aged 25[12] and she had a son in 1880, when she would have been 49 if the 1830 date was correct[13]. Her likely birth date is around 1840, but no baptism record or other supporting evidence has been found. Her mother’s name does not appear on any record found to date.
DNA matches between descendants of Sophia and descendants of Elizabeth Bruce (aka Squires) support the conclusion that Elizabeth was Sophia’s daughter. DNA matches between descendants of Sophia and descendants of Rachel Mary Ann Shaw, daughter of John Shaw and Lydia Matthews, supports the conclusion that Lydia was her biological father. It is unclear at this stage whether John was her biological father, or Lydia’s second husband was the father. Previously listed father, George Webb (Webb-15966), removed Jan 2023. It is likely that he was actually Robert Webb, Lydia’s second husband and Sophia’s stepfather.
Sophia was buried as Sophia Squires and it appears she did not marry Samuel Hen.[14]
- ↑ Maternal relationship is tentatively confirmed (pending segment triangulation) by Ancestry DNA test match between Hend-5 and NW, her third cousin twice removed (47cM); Hend-5 and Johnson-22889, her third cousin (59cM); Ancestry DNA test match between Hend-5 and RP, her third cousin twice removed (47cM); Ancestry DNA test match between Hend-5 and DP, her third cousin once removed (26cM); and others; their most recent common ancestors are John Shaw and Lydia Matthews.
- ↑ Marriage: “Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950”
Nsw Pioneer Index – Pioneer Series 1778 – 1888; Volume Number: V B
Ancestry au Record 1780 #4902389 (accessed 30 March 2023)
Sophia J Webb marriage to John Souires in 1855 in Gulgong, Mudgee, New South Wales. - ↑ National Library of Australia, Trove, Article by John Squires, Mudgee 27th January 1857; Maitland Mercury 5 February 1857.
- ↑ Gaol Records: “New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930”
State Archives NSW; Kingswood, New South Wales; Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930; Series: 1994; Item: 1522; Roll: 250
Ancestry Sharing Link – Ancestry au Record 1783 #457437 (accessed 30 March 2023)
Name: Jane Webb [Sophia White] [Jane Lemon] [Jane Bruce]; Vessel Arrived In: B C; Date of Admission/Photo: 31 Dec 1874; Gaol: Bathurst; Gaol Location: Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia; Record Type: Returns of Prisoners. - ↑ 1913 Electoral Register: “Australia, Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980”
Australian Electoral Commission; Canberra, Australia; Electoral Rolls
Ancestry Sharing Link – Ancestry au Record 1207 #194545823 (accessed 30 March 2023)
Name: Sophia Jane Squires; Electoral Date: 1913; Electoral Place: Bodangora, Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. - ↑ Death: “Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985”
Nsw Pioneer Index – Between the Wars Series 1919-1945; Registration Number: 7158
Ancestry au Record 1779 #4602785 (accessed 22 May 2023)
Sophia J Squires death 1931, child of George, in Gunnedah, New South Wales. - ↑ Queensland Government, Births deaths and marriages online index, death record for son Samuel 1935 C2681
- ↑ New South Wales, Australia, Police Gazettes, 1854-1930, Article under heading Deserting Wives, Families, Service etc; 18 Dec 1867
- ↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Birth record of unnamed child, surname Squires, 8850/1857
- ↑ NSW, NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate James Hen 024215/1878
- ↑ Trove, Obituary Sophia Jane Squires; Muswellbrook Chronicle 5 June 1931
- ↑ NSW Births Deaths and Marriages, Marriage record John Squires and Sophia Jane Webb, NJ V1855 579 43B
- ↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, birth certificate Herbert Hen 26679/1880
- ↑ NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages, death certificate Sophia Jane Squires 07158/1931
1. **Lydia Matthews**:
– Lydia Matthews was born on **December 31, 1810**¹.
– She was convicted for **stealing** and transported as one of **119 convicts** aboard the ship **Sovereign** on **April 14, 1829**.
– Lydia arrived in NSW on **August 2, 1829**¹.
– She married **John Shaw** on **December 20, 1832**, with the consent of the Governor of NSW.
– Lydia and John had **four children**: Rachel Mary Ann (born 1833), Lydia (born 1834), Anne (born 1837), and John (born 1839).
– Unfortunately, John Shaw passed away on **September 22, 1841**, and he is buried in Newcastle.
– After John’s death, Lydia remarried an ex-convict named **Robert Webb** on **October 26, 1844**.
– Lydia outlived all her children and passed away on **June 28, 1904**, at Gundebri Station via Merriwa. Her death certificate lists her as **Harriet Webb**¹.
2. **John Shaw**:
– John Shaw was born on **December 31, 1795**².
– He was convicted for **stealing** and transported aboard the ship **Elizabeth** on **April 1816**.
– John Shaw passed away on his birthday, **December 31, 1840**, at the age of **45**.
– His occupation was that of a **sawyer**².
Lydia’s life was marked by both hardship and resilience, from her convict past to her marriages and the challenges she faced. Their intertwined stories offer a glimpse into the complexities of life during that era in Australia.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/8/2024
(1) Convict Lydia – Convict Records. https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/matthews/lydia/40944.
(2) Convict John – Convict Records. https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/shaw/john/55840.
(3) Lydia (Matthews) Webb (bef. 1813 – 1904) – WikiTree. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Matthews-3745.