Brain Surgery 2020

Brain Surgery 2020

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I have been diagnosed with a tumour on the brain
It does not appear to be cancerous but I will have it surgically removed at the Gold Coast University Hospital about Xmas 2020.
On this page I paste my notes in random order. Maybe I can sort them out later.

The first report after an MRI said – There is a large ovoid relatively well-defined left parasagittal dural-based extra-axial mass overlying the left superior frontal gyrus.
This demonstrates enhancement. There is a small non-enhancing component at its inferior aspect which may represent cystic change or necrosis. The lesion measures 2.58 x 3.53 x 4.21 cm (SI x trans x AP). The lesion is most consistent with a meningioma. This is associated with some vasogenic oedema involving the superficial and deep white matter of the left superior frontal gyrus extending inferiorly to the level of the body of the left lateral ventricle.
The lesion has mass effect with effacement of adjacent sulcal spaces and 3.7 mm of midline shift to the right at the level of the septum pellucidum. There is slight inferior displacement of the body of the left lateral ventricle in relation to the right lateral ventricle.
No further abnormal intracranial enhancement. No further abnormal attenuation in the brain.
No further abnormality involving the sulcal spaces, ventricles and basal cisterns.
No surface collection.
There is some calcification of the cavernous portions of the ICAS.
Prominent mucosal thickening throughout the left maxillary antrum. Fluid in the left maxillary antrum. These appearances are consistent with acute on chronic inflammation.

This was hard to understand so I had it translated to laymans language
You have a mass in your brain.
It’s located on the left side, near the frontal area.
This mass is most likely a meningioma.
Details About the Mass:

The mass is oval-shaped and sits outside the brain tissue.
It’s enhancing, which means it’s actively growing.
There’s a smaller part within it that doesn’t enhance (possibly a cyst or necrosis).
The size is about 2.58 x 3.53 x 4.21 cm (like a large grape).
Effects and Location:

The mass is pressing on nearby brain areas.
It’s causing swelling in the white matter of the left frontal area.
Adjacent spaces are getting squished, and the brain is shifting slightly to the right.
Other Findings:

No other abnormal changes in the brain.
No surface collection (like a pocket of fluid).
Some calcification in the cavernous parts of the ICAS (blood vessels).
Thickening in the left maxillary antrum (sinus) due to inflammation.
2.55 am Wednesday 4th November 2020
Have trouble with my working memory
Can’t stay focused.
Below are the images and my notes taken during this time


Find image of cctv numbers in Chian Mai.
still need Find image of cctv numbers in Chian Mai
Linda Lee facebook.
I’ll try to leave a note here regularly.
You sent
4 minutes ago
Am ok and things are running fine. Have been very busy every minute of the day – getting things organized for when somebody else has to do them – am not remembering a lot of things like what I’m talking about –
You sent
a few seconds ago
Sometimes good at writing and sometimes not.
This is an email I sent to a friend in Thailand
I am having an appointment with surgeon next Wednesday.
Not feeling the best physically, am on steroids to stop the swelling and that makes me hyperactive with no energy, failing balance, disorientated, blurry sight and cannot rely on short term memory – not to mention the headaches which are the least of my complaints.
I am really getting my act together though – built a new toilet and shower room, cleaned the bus spotless, designed and put together my video packaging, walked to town about 4 times, catch bus to next town now, not able to drive, spend quite some time staring into space with a blank mind, might be meditating.
So – bit of a relief to be someone I’m not sure of.
I do think I will have surgery and be gar gar for a few months.
Have organized my will, plus persons to look after my affairs while I’m alive, (can’t think of the name of it )
And might appoint the older lady on my property as official carer so the Gov won’t step in with their carer and insist that I move out of the bus.
Apparently the area to be operated on is responsible for working memory (remembering something while trying to think) and the right side muscles, possibly sight, speech and comprehension – I glad it’s not the one that changes your sexual preferences lol
Cheers Mat
Lee lee lambert called in yesterday – helped with difficulties cleaning carpet where mice had been.
See if Google account is on all devices
See if Samsung account is on all devices
Add apps to devices
fb sms messenger instragram tik tok email youtube pinintrest
same programs for images etc.
Opera on phones?
Make phones with security before opening and no passwords for apps.
Install MEye.
I must get codes from Nook
Thursday 5.28 am
Working memory
I have noticed that my mind can absorb knowledge if there is nothing annoying me or nothing in the back of my mind.
This morning I try to study the functions on a camera – having trouble – 2 things on my distant mind.
The solicitor always think they are more superior than their clients in wording things. My solicitor didn’t like the way I changed my wording on my will – she said Sean had a better job and his mother had a lot of money and Bernadette was poor.
I didn’t like that because it seems to discriminate and make someone a lesser person which could cause ill feelings.
2 Wanda. She controls Mika and wants her to hate Steven. She says Mika will right a letter to the court say how she is stressed by her father. Wanda is stressing Mika – Mika goes along with Wanda because she has no choice but to be more stressed.
I would say – Mika will end loving her dad in time to come.
Mika is 14.
(ok lets see if I can study now – suns coming up )

Len Hend
Dear Doctor Annette
Would it be possible for you to fill out a Centerlink form.
My, Doctors report for carer assistance.
Centerlink – Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance
Medical Report (SA332a)
Joyce, who lives on my property is wanting to clean, cook, wash my cloths, go shopping etc. for me.
She also checks on me regularly.
I do find that I am making a lot of mistakes in looking after myself since being diagnosed with cancer and put on the drugs. I am disorientated often.
It will be a lot easier with her doing this but am reluctant to be indebted to her.
Joyce is an old age pensioner and if application is accepted she will receive about $130/fortnight with her pension.
(Daniel Johnson is still looking after my appointments.)

Do I need an appointment for this?
Len Hend
Twice now – walked into town – ordered a meal – left my teeth at home.
i Vic
Hope all is well with you and wife.
Just letting you know what is going on.
Have large tumor in brain, needs to have something done about – surgery I’m thinking.
Will find out next week when I front the crazy doctor.

I’m in good spirits and can see all going well – should be gar gar for some time and then settle down to being someone I’m not sure of.
From reading up on everything it is rearly cancerous – leaves you with a dent in your head – different personality which will possibly stop me getting the shits at my relos – possibly short time loss of memory – week down the right side – etc. etc. – don’t know if I can still paint or talk without dribbling.

Nowadays I’m getting my bus and garden together for when I come home.
Have almost everything done.
Older black lady who lives on my property will have a pension rise for being my carer, have my will being processed, getting fast tracked for free teeth, organized a lady friend to take me home from hospital and care for me in her granny flat until I can return to the bus.

Am writing headlines for everything I can remember since childhood so can compare memory after surgery.
I don’t know how long I’ve had this thing, maybe 40 years but when I look back now I can see how it was steering me.
I’m on drugs to stop the swelling in my head. Can’t sleep, hypoactive mind but not very strong physically. I stand on the corner in Mullum and wonder why all the cars stop. – pedestrian crossing – but I just want to stan there. Very pleasant feeling standing there and thinking of absolutely nothing – bit like an orgasm.
Funny how people react when they know you’ve been diagnosed, they just stare at you and say nothing. What the fuck I’m thinking.
Bought a new phone and a tablet, had the three, including laptop synchronized with all the functions I need to ease the confusion.
Vic – you could give me a ring on facebook any time day or night love to talk to you but can’t ring as you have a scheduled
8th Nov
Thai websiteบทความ-ระบบประสาทและสมอง/ชอบปวดหัวบ่อยๆ-ต้องระวัง–เนื้องอกในสมอง–(Brain-Tumor)
Leonard Hend
Brain tumor patient
77 years
No other health conditions.

Dear Doctor

Please explain to Natphimon and her daughter and other person.

The nature of my illness.

The effects of my illness on me. (emotionally and physically)

The long term effects on me.

The time of recovery.

The chance of survival.

Also – how they might help me to recover.

Thank you

Leonard Hend.

77 ปี
ไม่มีภาวะสุขภาพอื่น ๆ


ช่วยอธิบายให้ณัฐพิมลและลูกสาวและคนอื่น ๆ


ผลกระทบของความเจ็บป่วยที่มีต่อฉัน (ทางอารมณ์และร่างกาย)




นอกจากนี้ – พวกเขาจะช่วยให้ฉันฟื้นตัวได้อย่างไร


Must set up intercom between house and cabin.
8th Nov.
Hi Len,
That went pretty well. We covered all the points in your list and I asked my wife Acharee (nickname Mem) to pass on your closing comment to me that, above all, you don’t want to let Saloong down.

We settled who should go with Saloong and Nook to see a doctor who can explain your medical report to them and we will print the report pages and cover list (5 pages total) tomorrow and give to Saloong.

We set up TeamViewer access with the password <daniel12> and proved that you could log into it.

Acharee has the link and code to set up your CCTV on my Macs, so I’ll get around to doing that proaly tomorrow.
Pease feel free to give my contacts to your trusted friends. ‘phone is OK but I don’t always carry it so message or email is best for first contact:

Tel: 66 081 815 6366
Line: jrhughes
Skype: jrhughes1512

All for now. I’m not a religious man but I do ask that whatever powers that there may be get you safely though this one, Len.

Wanting to tell my friends that didn’t already know
I have been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Non cancerous.
I’m 77 and not too worried.
If I seem a bit vague or slow that’s ok, I’m still me.
Will carry on living on the mountain, do as I’m told by the doctors and hopefully come out of it ok.
Have often sat and wondered what my next adventure would be.
So! – All the best to me – see you around.
What a Letter of Competency Should Include
A generic letter from a doctor attesting to a patient’s mental capacity should be printed on the physician’s letterhead and include the following fundamental pieces of information:

Patient’s name
Patient’s date of birth
Date the patient-physician relationship was established
Physician’s statement testifying to the patient’s ability or inability to make independent decisions regarding healthcare, finances and legal matters
The patient’s relevant medical diagnoses (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, mental illness, developmental delay, etc.)
Date of diagnosis for each relevant medical issue
Physician’s contact information
My mind can be focused and then will stop moving along or will become completely unplugged from where it was.
When it becomes unfocused I can sometimes reconnect and continue along the same path.
When my mind becomes unplugged, I cannot remember anything about my immediately prior thoughts.
Unfocused seems to put me into a searching mode, like looking through your cupboards for something.
Unplugged seems to put me into a pleasant situation like a blank canvas and a new adventure about to evolve.
Unplugged feels carmly exciting like you are about to be born. Plugged in again with new and pleasant thoughts with no recognition whatsoever to the thoughts left behind.
Example – yesterday I put a prescription into the chemist and went to another shop while waiting for the prescription to be made up. I have often done this.
I found myself in the unplugged situation and was wondering if there was something that I had forgotten.
It wasn’t until I returned to the car that I remembered the chemist.
Ok, it now happens a lot, but to me, it happens 9 out of 10 times.
I made my teeth out of boat putty.

Australians – this is how I went about getting a carers allowance for a friend, Dan.
Dan is an old age pension and will care for me, driving to appointments, shopping, looking after my bills and general security.
Dan lives next door, we have installed an intercom system. I am presently medicated and expecting surgery soon.
1 – my self and Dan attended an appointment with my GP. (doctor).
The doctor downloaded a form from Centerlink, he printed it and filled it in with a pen.
Also while we were there he asked why I needed a carer. I become confused, clumsy, lost, double vision, memory loss etc. etc.
The questions and a short verbal test appeared to be available to him on the Centerlink forms.
The forms were signed, copied and the copies filed by the doctor’s secretary.
2 – Dan and I took the originals of the forms from the doctor to Centerlink office.
At the Centerlink office we asked that a Carer’s Allowance be added to Dan’s Old Age Pension. The amount is about $130/fortnight extra.
The staff at the Centerlink office printed the forms for us and sorted out which ones Dan must fill in. This step was handy because there are several similar sets of forms.
We presented the forms and they said that the allowance would be ongoing from today.
You sent Today at 5:36 AM
Tim – you will need to contact my Solicitor, Bronwen, and make arrangement to sign 2 papers – it is not urgent.
I don’t know how you can arrange it but there might be an easy way without you going into the office.
She seems to work Wed Thur Fri.

You sent Today at 5:36 AM
Bronwen Nicholls

Solicitor | LLB



43 Stuart ST

PO Box 646

Mullumbimby NSW 2482

Ph (02) 66841991 or 0402 435 386
Saturday 14th drove to Gold Coast with Dan.
Had 40 minute brain scan. Sounded like laying next to a ships engine with my head strapped down and ears blocked.
Wasn’t too uncomfortable.
They then realized I had another appointment for a full body scan on the 24th, so they arranged for me to have that, there and then. Good – all went well and I’m clear for surgery.
Len Hend
My Mum nursed Jack Ricketts, scenic artist for the Australian theaters, I was born the year he died but the house was stacked with his sketches and paintings, some of which were unfinished. As a boy, I finished some of them.
After working as a draftsman, I believed every drawing or painting must be planed in advance – this was wrong.
When in my 20s I came across Noel Frith, a speed painter in the shopping center. He painted into a scene a little cabin, it didn’t look good, so he immediately painted a tree over it.
He then told me he makes them up as he goes along like arranging flowers.
The skills you acquire will benefit you when painting an exact scene.
Have a large tumor left frontal.
Possibly been there, growing for decades.
Have been a well liked and gentle person most of my life, preferring my own company.
For some years now I have been unable to hold my temper, make decisions, remember things, enjoy sitting on a beach, fishing, art etc.
I’m 77, in good shape and usually live in Thailand with a family – I don’t speak or understand Thai which is good – no arguments.
Got stuck in Australia with Covid when I discovered the tumor.
I am wondering – if this tumor has been affecting my personal life and my personality for all those years?
On the 2nd December 2020 had consultation with surgeon and decided to operate in 3 to 6 weeks.

Thank you Michele
With you I have achieved what I set out to do and establish a mental health contact whom I introduced myself to prior to my brain surgery.
This was so that I might contact you if needed after my surgery if I find difficulties getting back on track.
After this email I will delete your email address from my computer and use the Byron Hospital to make contact in future.
Len Hend