Old Hend Family Images

Old Hend Family Images

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These were old black and white negatives
These pages contains some black and white photos that belonged to my mother. They show both sides of the family from the Hend and Coombes branches. The original negatives are kept in my bus in Mullumbumby. The large group photo of adults was taken in Dunedoo, a small town in New South Wales. My grandmother Hend and her identical twin sister are sitting on either side of my grandfather in the middle. The photos of the Coombes side of my family are on another page. I am always looking for more photos of my ancestors, so if you have any, please let me know.
There are images of graves at Dunedoo cemetery – some are the Sullivan family, good friends of my dad, he often spoke of Pat Sullivan.
(Captions on images or the relationship to me, Leonard Hend.)

Old Jimmy
Mary Morrison
Mildred H
Harrold H
Elsie H
Auntie Queenie
Auntie Queenie
Nana Hend
Sullivan family friends of Dunedoo Hends

Grand dad’s grave at Dunedoo

Grandad Hend
Xmas, Hend kids about 1950

Cousin Bill Harrop
Cousin Bill Harrop
Nana Hend behind daughter?
Mum and Dad wedding
Uncle Harry and first wife, I think.

Uncle Mick (Edgar)
Aunty Queenie and Uncle Mick (Edgar)
Aunty Edith – I think.

Auntie Elsie – I think
Auntie Enid
Grand dad Hend
Grand dad Hend
Grand Dad’s truck
Uncle Harrold
Nana and Harrold Hend

Hend clan – 1930s I think
Looks like Ron Hend – ?
Nana Hend – and brother Jack, I think.
Jim Holmes and Regina at Maroubra
Grand dad and ? – Laurie Hend’s Simca car.
Grand Dad at backdoor Dunedoo.
? Auntie Elsie and Reg Cooper
Mum’s sister ?
Ted and cousin Sandra Harrop – I think
Nana Hend and daughters plus ‘Bill Harrop – I think’.

I don’t know but I think this is the Leonard family.
Aunie Millie.
Brother Morris at Maroubra
Mum’s sister’s – I think
Nana Hend
Nana Hend
My Dad
My Dad at Dunedoo
My Dad and Regina
My Dad
Dad and Regina
Dad and Regina
Dad and us 3
Jack Ricketts

Mum’s sister – one of.
Regina ?


Regina ?
Regina ?
Mr and Mrs Jack Rickets, Regina
Regina and me

Grand dad Hend
Nana Hend
Jimmy Hend, grand dad

Grand dad’s grave – locals called him Fardy
Me Morrie Regina at Alma Rd Maroubra

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